HMD Consulting-Coaching Management-Engineering

Hans Dietmaier

  • 25+ years international experiance on the job will guarantee that your project, project-team, training/coaching of employees, taskforce, kick-off etc. will economically meet your target
  • Trainer, Coach, Moderator, Speaker, Project Manager, Engineering Manager, Head of mechanical department, Site Manager, Cold Commissioning Manager, Project Engineer, Desing Engineer etc. were successfully conducted in companies

    in the disciplines 
    • Surface mining and conveyor systems
    • Plant engineering - gas fired power plants
    • Automotive - division of powertrain engineering
    • Automotive - division of electromobility
    • Automotive - division of automotive safety
    • Plant engineering - steel plants
    • Plant engineering - power plants / flue gas desulphurisation of power plants
    • Plant engineering - refineries
    • Plant engineering - industrial fans
    • Sales and marketing

      You will find more details in my portfolio. You can contact me directly via email: hans.dietmaier(@)   


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